I’m having issues with filling in headers using feeder Data…
In the example below I’m passing in variables for user and there secured note, secured with a SID in the head which doesn’t seem to replaced at run time. Any ideas on how to make this happen.
I create all the sessions in the feeder data turning startup of test and feed to scenerio.
// For each feeder request return a random note row
val finiteFeeder = Iterator.continually(
Why isn’t there /#{USER_ID}/notes/#{NOTE_ID} in there?!
The data you provided is not consistent, please provide a reproducer as instructed here: How to Ask a Question
My best guess is that you’re not running Gatling 3.8.4 as you stated but 3.7 or older, prior to the #{} syntax was introduced.
- .header("_our_company_sid",s"#{sessionId}") // Replacement from feeder to add converged session
+ .header("_our_company_sid","#{sessionId}") // Replacement from feeder to add converged session
No, really, that ${} is properly resolved and not #{} can only mean that you’re not running with Gatling 3.8 in your classpath but an older version. 100% sure.
Gatling plugin 3.1.0
Which plugin are you referring to? Gatling has plugins for maven, gradle and sbt.
You should upgrade to:
Gatling 3.9.0
gatling-maven-plugin 4.2.9 or gatling-gradle-plugin ou gatling-sbt 4.2.6. Make sure to properly check the documentation: Gatling - Extensions
if you’re running from IntelliJ and not from the command line/plugin, make sure to refresh/reimport your project/module so that IntelliJ properly get synchronized