Passing Variables Set in First Scenario to Second Scenario

I see this has been asked and answered before, the but solutions presented did not work for me. I have two scenarios because they require different protocols, but the calls build on one another, so I need to pass some values set in the first scenario to the second.



val getServiceDates = scenario( scenarioName = "Get Next Service Date for Container").exec(_.set("siteId", siteId))

Enter code here…

So for now, as I’m not able to figure out how to easily do this, will be running DB queries instead to setup data, then just running single scenario to performance test route being tested.

Like in Load runner we have VTS (Virtual Table server) were we can share data between scenarios and users.

In Gatling we can use polling concept
val scenarioUsers = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[String]

Hi @adirant,

Just curious, were you able to figure out any solution to this?