i am working on a Gatling simulation of devices, that report operational problems every now and then. Currently, I use a CSV-based feeder where each line represents a device to simulate. The file contains a column for the minimum and maximum interval when such a device incident happens.
It seems that the value cannot be used directly. I use the following construct that I found at a similar example.
val scn = scenario(“DeviceSimulation”)
.exec { session => println(session); session }
.pause(session => session(“incidentIntervalMin”).validate[Int].map(i => i seconds))
However, I get a error message that the pause failed to execute. However, it seems that the data is correctly fed into the session… This is what I get as output
Thanks for your patience. I have to admit that I started with Scala just yesterday and coming from Java some of these constructs seems like … ahm… magic to me
works fine. However, when I try to pass a maximum value for pause as well, my simulation gets stuck and nothing happens.
When I use the version with constants
.pause(10, 20)
everything works fine. However, when using the values from the session the simulation seems to “hang”. The last line I see is “Simulation XYZ started…” and nothing happens