.check(regex( “”“id=”([0-9]+)" media_type=“Clip”""").findAll.transform(_ toSet).transform(_ toSeq).saveAs(“totalClips”) )
I need all matching store to a list of id
.check(regex( “”“id=”([0-9]+)" media_type=“Clip”""").findAll.transform(_ toSet).transform(_ toSeq).saveAs(“totalClips”) )
I need all matching store to a list of id
transform now takes an Option[T] and returns and Option[T] so you now have full control.
Moreover, why 2 transform steps?
.check(regex( “”“id=”([0-9]+)" media_type=“Clip”""").findAll.transform(.map(.toSet.toSeq)).saveAs(“totalClips”) )
Thanks a lot!
May I ask another question?
DSL does not work fro me out of the box - instead of writing DSL code I invoked specific function:
DSL (desired to be like this)
setUp(scn.inject(nothingFor(4 seconds),
atOnce(10 users),
ramp(10 users) over (5 seconds),
constantRate(20 usersPerSec) during (15 seconds),
rampRate(10 usersPerSec) to(20 usersPerSec) during(10 minutes),
split(1000 users).into(ramp(10 users) over (10 seconds))
.separatedBy(10 seconds),
split(1000 users).into(ramp(10 users) over (10 seconds))
.separatedBy(atOnce(30 users)))
My code:
setUp(scn.inject(nothingFor(4 seconds),
rampUsers(10) over (5 seconds),
constantUsersPerSec(20) during (15 seconds),
rampUsersPerSec(10) to (20) during(10 minutes),
splitUsers(1000).into(rampUsers(10) over (10 seconds))
.separatedBy(10 seconds),
splitUsers(1000).into(rampUsers(10) over (10 seconds))
I guess I missed some mapping between DSL and funs
Please advise
You're using the snapshot and we've change the DSL syntax a bit since last