POST bodyPart type mismatch

Hey Stéphane,

Im trying to post a file over https. reading from Gatling 2 doc, this is the line i tried to use:

  • FileBodyPart(name, file, charset, contentType, transferEncoding, contentId)

I got this in my script:

.param(“metadata”, “”“someString”"")
.bodyPart(FileBodyPart(“10mbtest”, “dogkitten.mkv”, Some(“UTF-8”),“application”, “binary”, “contentId”)))

but i got compile error:

type mismatch;
found : String(“binary”)
required: Option[io.gatling.core.session.Session => io.gatling.core.validation.Validation[String]]
16:00:57.765 [ERROR] i.g.a.ZincCompiler$ - .bodyPart(FileBodyPart(“10mbtest”, “dogkitten.mkv”, Some(“UTF-8”),“application”, “binary”, “contentId”)))

anything i missed or did wrong?


I advice you use the builder methods:

im using snapshot version so i guess it should be this one?

.param(“metadata”, “”“someString”"")
.bodyPart(FileBodyPart(“10mbtest”, “dogkitten.mkv”))

if i dont really need contentId

this is working well

.param(“metadata”, “”“someString”"")
.bodyPart(FileBodyPart(“10mbtest”, “dogkitten.mkv”)

one more questions, i know for each session, gatling itself maintains a userId, which is a unique value. Do you know how i can refer it? i tried ${userId} as the session data listed but didnt work.

hmm, i got a 400. maybe i should not use rawFileBody for a video file?

.header(“Content-Type”, “multipart/form-data”)
.param(“metadata”, “”“xxx”"")
.bodyPart(RawFileBodyPart(“10mbtest”, “blah.mkv”)

I noticed the request sent out was missing Content-Disposition: form-data; and filename=“dogkitten.mkv”

if i sent that in jmeter, it will look like this:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=“10mbtest”; filename=“dogkitten.mkv”
Content-Type: application
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

<actual file content, not shown here>

but in gatling, it looked like this:

maybe i should use the hack you provided in this post?!topic/gatling/F4Wbi735oYg

tried .asMultipartForm, no luck. still 400, bad request.

in gatling, it looked like this:

Could you really compare the HTTP requests with Charles, please?

The only difference I see from my side is that AsyncHttpClient forces “; charset=utf-8” in the Content-Type. Could this be the problem?

I’ve fixed AsyncHttpClient and Gatling so that charset is not force for File parts.

Here’s what I get:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=“10mbtest”; filename=“blah.mkv”
Content-Type: application
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

<actual file content, not shown here>


Looks good to me.

i think i was doing something wrong and the 400 is actually complaining about duplicate file and id. so nothing to do with gatling. and i was using an old snapshot version so i dont think charset utf-8 was the problem. Sorry for bugging you so long for my fault. i got correct response after using a new user id. this is the code if it can benefit other ppl.

.header(“Content-Type”, “multipart/form-data”)
.param(“metadata”, “”“string”"")
.bodyPart(RawFileBodyPart(“10mbtest”, Properties.fileName)

One more question, how can i use the built-in session userId? i could not get it by just use ${userId}. since our system requires unique user id for each post, i guess use gatling session id is a good idea. use random ids will get overlap eventually if we run the test for a long time.

Hi Stéphane,

maybe it was very obvious for my last question, i just list it here. i want to have a unique id for every single loop across many gatling processes. So i was thinking using the built-in session ID. But i could not reference it, do you know to get that? i printed the session and saw userId as the attribute name, but simply ${userId} doesnt work.


The userId is not a Session attribute, stored in the Map. One of the reason is that we don’t want anyone to mess up with it and maybe remove it or whatever.

If you want to access it, you have to write a function.

I see. i will write a function to read that. Just want to confirm, even for the same user but different loop, the userId will change, right? I noticed that with a single thread test.

No, the userId is supposed to be final for a given virtual user.

if not how can i implement a counter thats shared by all sessions?

a global AtomicInteger that you increment in exec function?

i will try that out. so gatling doesnt have something like counter in jmeter.

Provide a use case that would justify that we implement something like this and we’ll consider it.

not necessarily, i think AtomicInteger or AtomicLong should be enough in most cases.