Hi, I updated the Gatling version to 3.4.0 and sbt plugin to 3.2.0 an I have a problem loading the environment configuration file. I use “com.typesafe” % “config” % "1.4.0 to pass param.
Part of the code to get conf_file.
For “gatling-sbt 3.2.0”:
When I run test like sbt -Dconfig=prod_application.con “gatling:testOnly simulations.test”
and print line from the code “CONFIG_FILE_PRINT”. I get “CONFIG_FILE_NAME: None” in terminal.
Moreover, when I run test with property noReports: sbt -Dgatling.charting.noReports=true “gatling:testOnly simulations.test”. report was generated. I expected only simulation.log and instead I have index.html. It looks like, with the new plugin, set properties don’t work.
When I set again to “gatling-sbt” to 3.1.0 in plugin.sbt file and I have Gatling in 3.4.0 version everything works fine and I get message CONFIG_FILE_NAME: Some(prod_application.con) in the terminal. And I can pass param to the test.
Please help me out because I don’t know if it’s bug or maybe I am doing something wrong. In older version of gatling and sbt-plugin everything worked fine and I have never got a problem to pass param.