Problems extracting a header


I’m having issues extracting a header into a variable, this is the response:

HTTP response:
303 See Other
Location: []
Server: [Apache-Coyote/1.1]
Content-Length: [235]
Connection: [keep-alive]

And this is a fragment of my scenario:

.exec(http(“Get token”)


Now, If I try to use “${server}” after that, I get this error:

No attribute named ‘server’ is defined.

What I really need is extract the access_token from the url fragment. I tried something like this (which also didn’t work):

.check(headerRegex(HttpHeaderNames.Location, “access_token=([^&]+)”).saveAs(“accessToken”)))

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Juan Pablo

Did you disable redirect following? Otherwise, you’re checking the final landing page.

What you’re looking for is “currentLocationRegex”

Thanks for you help Stéphane,

If I use disablefollowredirect I get an error:,304,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209), but actually found 303

I must be doing something else wrong, because even after using currentLocationRegex

.exec(http(“Get token”)

I still get No attribute named ‘accessToken’ is defined if I try to use it later.

Thanks for your help Stéphane,

If I use .disableFollowRedirect, I get these error:,304,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209), but actually found 303

It looks like the code is checking that there are no redirects (which in my case I cannot avoid).

I must be doing something wrong, because I still get the error:

No attribute named ‘accessToken’ is defined

on this code:

.exec(http(“Get token”)


Could you share what you’re doing exactly with disableFollowRedirect? I works as expected for me.

Then, you didn’t get it right:

  • if you’re using disableFollowRedirect, then your landing page will be your 303 response with a Location header
  • OTHERWISE, your landing page will be what your Location header points to