Recorder: SSLHandshakeException no cipher suites in common

Just downloaded the latest 2.2 snapshot.

I am trying to intercept the traffic between a thick client and its back-end server. The thick client interacts via SOAP requests over SSL.

When I start up the recorder using “Self-Signed Certificate” mode, then launch the thick client, I get a startup error: “Exception: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.”

The developers gave me a certificate to work with. I created a new keystore using:

keytool -import -file -alias -keystore

The certificate is imported fine. Then, I start the recorder using the Provided Keystore option, and give it my newly created keystore file and password.

Now when I launch the thick client, I get an error: “Exception: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.” And in the console for the Gatling recorder, I see: “SSLHandshakeException no cipher suites in common”

Any suggestions for how to make this work properly?

There’s some misunderstanding here: this config here is to handle the communication between the browser and the MITM proxy, not between the proxy and the server. The latter isn’t currently supported.

Steps to contribute explained here: :slight_smile:

It’s not a big deal to me, as I typically don’t use the Recorder. I just thought I would give it a try to see if it could give me a jump start on this new project.

I don’t understand the guts of SSL enough to understand what is going on here. Would love to understand, if you or someone could point me to a good introduction to the algorithms employed by SSL. But it’s not critical to my success with Gatling, I’ll just build code directly, like I usually do. :slight_smile:

Really nothing complicated, just some work. I enriched the issue details.


Is there a solution for this exception?
I am facing similar issue wherein HTTPS mode for provided keystore is throwing “SSLHandshakeException no cipher suites in common”

I have downloaded certificates and added to the keystore and even can’t record

can someone help please?
