Recorder ui not launching on ubuntu


I’m trying to get gatling setup, however I’m struggling to get the recorder running.

I’m running ubuntu 20.04, with open jdk8 (1.8.0_342)

I’ve downloaded the latest gatling bundle (3.8.3)

I’ve exported GATLING_HOME and GATLING_CONF as per the instructions, however when I run it appears to start, but there is no UI

Any Ideas?


No stacktrace, no nothing?

I’ve exported GATLING_HOME and GATLING_CONF as per the instructions

Which instructions???


Can you specify:

  • which java package you installed? (to ensure there is no headless)
  • what is your JAVA_HOME environment variable?
  • can you successfully launch xeyes from command line? (to ensure you have correct DISPLAY configuration)
  • what is the current output (should have minimal information about environment variables and perhaps executed commands)

thanks it was headless java