⚙️ Release | Gatling 3.9.5 & Gatling Enterprise 1.18.5

Gatling 3.9.5 and Gatling Enterprise 1.18.5 are online: what’s new? :fire:

Polishing up new features and correcting some minor issues were our focus points, as we released a fix addressing a potential memory leak shipped in a recent version of Netty.

You may have noticed that Gatling Enterprise 1.18.4 was released a few days ago. Please note that you should skip it while upgrading to our latest updates, as we identified an error in there during our testing! :no_mouth:

If you want to look into the details of what changed or tell us about what you’d like to see in our next release, here’s the link to our GitHub repository. :handshake:
:point_right: 3.9.5 Milestone · GitHub

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