Retrieving a List from the session object to pass into a method

Hi everyone.

I am facing a problem which I can’t seem to solve. I have tried all sorts of ways to approach this, but nothing seems to work.

I have a method to perform a POST call:


def postCall(id: String, entries: List[Map[String, String]]): ChainBuilder = exec(


.post("/" + id)

.header(“Authorization”, “x”)

.header(“Content-Type”, “application/json”)

.body(StringBody(mapper.writeValueAsString(Map(“resources” → entries)))).asJSON



In my main scenario, I am gathering a bunch of resources, which I am saving in the session under “resources” as List[Map[String, String]]. At the end of the scenario, I want to pass this List to the method above to perform a POST request.

However, I am having trouble to retrieving the List as a List from the session object in order to pass it down.

The part where I call the method looks simplified something like one of these:

Problem: Method signature asks for List, but we have a “String”.


private val BatchDelete = scenario(“POST RESOURCES”)

.exec(postCall("${id}", “${resources}”))


Problem: The http request does not get executed


private val BatchDelete = scenario(“POST RESOURCES”)

.exec(session => {

postCall(session(“id”).as[String], session(“resources”).as[List[Map[String, String]]])




Same with:


private val BatchDelete = scenario(“POST RESOURCES”)

.exec(session => {

exec(postCall(session(“id”).as[String], session(“resources”).as[List[Map[String, String]]]))




Any ideas how to call postColl in my scenario with reading a List from the session? I am really desperate by now!


You are trying to do an http request in the middle of a session function. You can’t do that.

Re-think this a little. What if you did the logic to convert the list to a string in a session function, and stored it in the session? Then you could reference it using EL strings…

exec( session => session.set( “post-body”, // expression to convert your List[Map[String,String]] into a String )
.exec( http().body( “${post-body}” )