Save set-cookie value

I have the following response:

content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
set-cookie: test1=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiI ; Max-Age=31536000; Path=/
set-cookie: test2=7df22c2c-b8b7-4d1b-8aee-a65e8d73dc99; Max-Age=31536000; Path=/
cache-control: no-cache
Connection: keep-alive

I need to store the value of the set-cookie: test2 ----> 7df25c2c-b257-451b-86e-a55e5d73dc99
Can someone help me with this?


Since you are trying to get the value of a cookie, I suggest you to have a look a this post:!topic/gatling/OWVVoWMsFd0



this code works for me:


package loadtest

import io.gatling.core.session._
import io.gatling.http.cookie.CookieSupport

object TakeCookieFromJar {

val baseUrl = “

def apply(name: String, session: Session): String = {
CookieSupport.getStoredCookies(session, baseUrl).find(_.getName == name) match {
case Some(cookie) => cookie.getValue
case _ => throw new Exception(s""“Cookie “$name” not found!”"")

// usage
exec(session => session.set(“my_cookie_value”, TakeCookieFromJar(“cookieName”, session)))



Thank you for this Adam. How would you print the cookie value to the console? Where would the println() statement go in this case and what would the cookie reference be? Thank you


if you just want to print the cookie, try this:


exec(session => {
println(TakeCookieFromJar(“cookieName”, session))



Adam, thanks again! I am a newbie at this and could use a bit more consult. I cannot get your code to compile - this below and the one prior. Any help you can provide is much appreciated. This is what I put together using your work.

package testPackage

import scala.concurrent.duration._

import io.gatling.core.Predef._

import io.gatling.http.Predef._

import io.gatling.jdbc.Predef._

import io.gatling.http.cookie._

import io.gatling.http.cookie.CookieSupport

object TakeCookieFromJar {

val baseUrl = “

def apply(name: String, session: Session): String = {

CookieSupport.getStoredCookies(session, baseUrl).find(_.getName == name) match {

case Some(cookie) => cookie.getValue

case _ => throw new Exception(s""“Cookie “$name” not found!”"")




// usage

exec(session => {session.set(“my_cookie_value”, TakeCookieFromJar(“cookieName”, session))})


you need to remove the usage example (the last 2 lines), it was just to show you how to use in the scenario workflow :slight_smile: