I am trying to test a scenario with gatling tool, where I connect to server using websockets and then wait for message from server (which could take a few minutes). However, I get disconnected after 60 seconds (because socket is idle).
Reading through GitHub issues, I found out that Gatling should automatically respond with ‘pong’ to ‘ping’ messages, which does not work for me.
I have tried to implement ping/pong mechanism by sending ‘ping’ message and then pausing for 30 seconds, but then it needs up to 30 seconds from when message was received before execution continues.
val ping =
asLongAs(session => session(“message_received”).as[String] == “false”) {
ws(“Reconciliate states”).reconciliate
def testScenario = scenario(“test scenario”)
ws(“Wait for some message”)
.check(wsListen.within(1000).until(1).regex(“some check for event”).exists.saveAs(“message_received”))
ws(“send a message, when previous message is received”)
.sendText(“some text to send”)
.exec(ws(“Close socket”).close)
In above example, ping starts executing because wsListen does not block when listening for messages. But if a message is received, up to 30 seconds is needed to complete .exec(ping) and continue to next .exec.
Is there a better way to solve this, without decreasing ping interval?