I’m getting an error with the following code. I’m trying to use session.set() so I can capture certain things in the sequence I’m saving and using them elsewhere in my script.
.exec(http(“Get Tasks”)
.get("/" + site + “//Main/portal/lists/index.cfm?list=tasks”)
.check(css("#column_packet_nm.listPageTableCell > a", “href”).findAll.saveAs(“tasks”)))
.exec { session =>
val myTaskID = session(“tasks”).asSeq[String].split(""",""")(1)
session.set(“test”, myTaskID)
.get("/" + site + “/Main/portal/lists/index.cfm?list=tasks”))
I am getting the following error from this script. There is something I’m missing with session.set(). I’m sure it’s something easy.:
[ERROR] i.g.h.a.HttpRequestAction - No attribute named ‘test’ is defined