Sharing test classes between Test, Integration Tests and Gatling simulations with SBT

Hi to all,

I have a problem, I want to share my common base Test classes (in the src/test/scala) with the Gatling simulation and Integration Tests specs (in the src/it/scala).

This is my configuration:


lazy val nebula-it = ( project in file( “nebula-it” ) ).dependsOn( nebula-commons, nebula-model )
.enablePlugins( GatlingPlugin )
.configs( GatlingIt )
.settings( commonSettings: _* )
.settings( Defaults.itSettings : _* )
libraryDependencies ++= specs2-dSet ++ monocle-dSet ++ gatling-dSet
++ Seq( play-specs2 % “it, test”, play-ws, scalaz,
specs2-core %+ “it, test, compile”,
curator-test %+ “it, test, compile” ),
javaOptions in Gatling := overrideDefaultJavaOptions( “-Xms1024m”, “-Xmx2048m” )
.settings( SbtScalariform.scalariformSettingsWithIt )

