Simulation not running

I have define two simulation class inside package -

Now, when I am running gradle gatlingRun task from intellij, simulations are not executing. Logs are provided below -

Task :compileScala NO-SOURCE
Task :processResources
Task :classes
Task :compileTestJava
Task :compileTestScala NO-SOURCE
Task :processTestResources NO-SOURCE
Task :testClasses
Task :compileGatlingJava
Task :compileGatlingScala NO-SOURCE
Task :processGatlingResources
Task :gatlingClasses
Task :gatlingLogback
Task :gatlingRun

7 actionable tasks: 7 executed

But, when I am running gradle gatlingRun-com.demo.PaymentOne task from intellij, simulations are executing.

The problem is, gatlingRun should run all the simulations residing in src/gatling/java.

Gradle build configuration -
id ‘io.gatling.gradle’ version ‘3.8.2’

gatling {
// WARNING: options below only work when logback config file isn’t provided
logLevel = ‘WARN’ // logback root level
logHttp = ‘ALL’ // set to ‘ALL’ for all HTTP traffic in TRACE, ‘FAILURES’ for failed HTTP traffic in DEBUG

It sounds like gatlingRun cannot find your simulations. There is additional documentation that explains how you can change where the task looks for your simulations at.

So if your folder layout was
→ src
------------->simulations //Where your simulations are

Then you would update your build.gradle file with

    simulations = {
        include "**simulations/*.java"

I have checked your case using: GitHub - gatling/gatling-gradle-plugin-demo-java
I have created packages and Simulations as show below:

and all Simulations have run after gradlew gatlingRun on Gradle 7.4.2.
I have checked this at id 'io.gatling.gradle' version '' (newest) and id 'io.gatling.gradle' version '3.8.2' (used by you).

So you must have some configuration issue.