simulationsFolder property in maven plugin seems to be ignoed


We try to enable just one folder of simulations.

our current approach is this:


We would like to change this, but we cannot get the ‘simulationsFolder’ property to work. We tried:


but this one seems to run all simulations, including the ones in other subfolders of ‘simulations’.

So my question is: what do we do wrong?



Your configuration seems ok, which version of the plugin are you using?

Did you try to execute maven using the -X parameter in order to get debug logs and check the value of the “simulationsFolder” parameter? (for instance: [DEBUG] (f) simulationsFolder = D:\dev\workspace\gatling-maven-plugin-demo\src\test\scala\computerdatabase)


Hi there

Any progress on this?

I am also trying same thing as you, with same results.
I simply want to specify folder with sumulations to run… not to include them one by one.
