size of session varibale


I need the size of session variable...
I am trying like this
session => {

          val size = "${CallbackHandlerPathList.size()}"
            println("sizeoflist:"+ size)
but it is not getting me anything.. simply print the val as string as it is

That won’t work. EL ( can be passed to Gatling DSL functions but not used in your own functions.

Get the value using session(“CallbackHandlerPathList”) and then programmatically get the size of the resulting val.

Hi Barry.

Actually CallbackHandlerPathList contain List I need that size of List.

The information is out there if you use the force (Google):

Hi Barry,

Yes that helped but stuck in another problem:

.foreach("${CallbackHandlerPathList}", "handler") {
   exec(session => {

   //println("WidgetIDS:"+ session("WidgetIDS(counter)"))
   var attribute = session("WidgetIDS").as[List[String]].distinct


    var Guid = session("Guid").as[List[String]].distinct

    var Titles = session("Titles").as[List[String]].distinct

         val handle = session("handler").as[String]

      .post(""+handle)// I am not able to use the session attribute extracted.. in a post call giving error **Type mismatch, expected session.Expression[String], Actual Validation[String]**

Kindly suggest what am I doing wrong

Hi... This is the updated script which compiles successfully but still the http call inside the loop is not executing 

  .get(uri10 + "/CIQDotNet/my/dashboard.aspx").headers(headers_0)
  //.check(regex("""CallbackHandlerPath":"(.*).axd" """).saveAs("CallbackHandlerPathList"))
  //.check(regex(""""CallbackHandlerPath":"([a-zA-Z0-9._/^,]*)","""").ofType[(String, String)].findAll.saveAs("CallbackHandlerPathList"))
  .check(regex(""""Title":"([a-z A-Z]*)","""").findAll.saveAs("Titles"))
.exec {
 foreach("${CallbackHandlerPathList}", "handler") {
  exec(session => {
   //println("WidgetIDS:"+ session("WidgetIDS(counter)"))
   var attribute = session("WidgetIDS").as[List[String]].distinct

   var wpTemplateId = attribute(counter)
   println("WidgetIDS:" + attribute(counter))

   var Guid = session("Guid").as[List[String]].distinct
   var G = Guid(counter)
   println("Guid:" + Guid(counter))

   var Titles = session("Titles").as[List[String]].distinct
   var Title = Titles(counter)
   println("Titles:" + Titles(counter))

   val handle = session("handler").as[String]
   // println("Handler:"+session("handler").as[Expression[String]])
   var wpTemplate = session("wpTemplateId").as[String]

    .post("" + handle)
    .formParam("r", "1485376346504")
    .formParam("ptype", "13")
    .formParam("wpTemplateId", wpTemplate)
    .formParam("wState", "{}")
    .formParam("wid", wpTemplateId)
    .formParam("widgetId", wpTemplateId)
    .formParam("wTitle", Title)
    .formParam("g", G)

   //val size = "${CallbackHandlerPathList.size()}"
   // println("sizeoflist:"+ size)
   // val playerId = playerMap("playerId")
   counter += 1



Getting and error upon execution which is [ERROR] [02/22/2017 18:13:32.932] [] [akka://GatlingSystem/user/sessionHook-2] 2
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: 2
	at scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized$class.apply(LinearSeqOptimized.scala:65)

Kindly suggest something to get this thing work