StairCase Step load

Hello guys, i am new to gatling and wanted to know how can i achieve the following user injection(load)

inject n Users , wait for some lets say initial pause or do nothing time s, inject one user initially then ramp one or Configurable number of User after every x duration of time using a certain ramp up time and also configure to Stop a users request execution after lets say x seconds irrespective of the pending requests he has to make from the scenario

is it doable ? i cant get my head around with the given set of functions in the gatling documentation.


please see this example to achieve stair test case using Gatling:

Good luck!

Many thanks for the reply… though the test case definition is different, i would be targeting number of users as upper limit so calculating rate from duration and using constantUserPerSec doesn’t seem right.

something like

nothingFor(x seconds),
splitUser(UserCount) into (atOnceUsers(1) separatedBy (x seconds)).

and then adding a rendezVous point within the scenario so that execution can start when all users are injected, i think it should do the work, will try and see.

Hi guys!

Could you please advise me, what is the best way of producing step load using gatling? My aim is to find a total rps which AUT could hold. I have a several scenarios, each scenario consists of different number of actions(val step1 = step1.exec(etc.)). Also I have a constant pause after actions, the pause duration is the same after each action.

It tryed constantUsersPerSec model, but the difference in rps between 2 neighbour models are too huge: e.g. difference between constantUsersPerSec (1) and constantUsersPerSec (2). I can’t achived the behaviour, than load increases with a small steps, not twice in comparison with previous step.

The only idea - to increase pause duration, so total load would be less. Any other suggestions, please?

ср, 8 авг. 2018 г. в 15:38, Ateeb Sikander <>:

Hi guys!

Could you please advise me, what is the best way of producing step load using gatling? My aim is to find a total rps which AUT could hold. I have a several scenarios, each scenario consists of different number of actions(val step1 = step1.exec(etc.)). Also I have a constant pause after actions, the pause duration is the same after each action.

It tryed constantUsersPerSec model, but the difference in rps between 2 neighbour models are too huge: e.g. difference between constantUsersPerSec (1) and constantUsersPerSec (2). I can’t achived the behaviour, than load increases with a small steps, not twice in comparison with previous step.

The only idea - to increase pause duration, so total load would be less. Any other suggestions, please?

пн, 6 авг. 2018 г. в 21:15, Ateeb Sikander <>: