Tests fail in in gatling-core in 2.0.0-M3X branch


I’ve forked and cloned Gatling repository, switched to 2.0.0-M3X branched and tried to build Gatling (mvn clean install). Unfortunately tests failed and I received the following output:

Tests run: 4, Failures: 4, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.114 sec <<< FAILURE!
console summary progress bar should::handle it correctly when there are running and done users(io.gatling.core.result.writer.ConsoleDataWriterSpec) Time elapsed: 0.037 sec <<< FAILURE!
'rg.specs2.reporter.JUnitReporter$$anon$1: ‘[###################################################################-------] 90%
is not equal to
]>###################################################################-------] 90%’ expected:<…########-------] 90%[]> but was:<…########-------] 90%[
at io.gatling.core.result.writer.ConsoleDataWriterSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$24.apply(ConsoleDataWriterSpec.scala:76)
at io.gatling.core.result.writer.ConsoleDataWriterSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$24.apply(ConsoleDataWriterSpec.scala:68)

console summary progress bar should::handle it correctly when all the users are waiting(io.gatling.core.result.writer.ConsoleDataWriterSpec) Time elapsed: 0.037 sec <<< FAILURE!
'rg.specs2.reporter.JUnitReporter$$anon$1: ‘[ ] 0%
is not equal to
]> ] 0%’ expected:<… ] 0%[]> but was:<… ] 0%[
at io.gatling.core.result.writer.ConsoleDataWriterSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$6.apply(ConsoleDataWriterSpec.scala:44)
at io.gatling.core.result.writer.ConsoleDataWriterSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$6.apply(ConsoleDataWriterSpec.scala:38)

console summary progress bar should::handle it correctly when all the users are running(io.gatling.core.result.writer.ConsoleDataWriterSpec) Time elapsed: 0.037 sec <<< FAILURE!
'rg.specs2.reporter.JUnitReporter$$anon$1: ‘[--------------------------------------------------------------------------] 0%
is not equal to
]>--------------------------------------------------------------------------] 0%’ expected:<…---------------] 0%[]> but was:<…---------------] 0%[
at io.gatling.core.result.writer.ConsoleDataWriterSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$12.apply(ConsoleDataWriterSpec.scala:54)
at io.gatling.core.result.writer.ConsoleDataWriterSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$12.apply(ConsoleDataWriterSpec.scala:47)

console summary progress bar should::handle it correctly when all the users are done(io.gatling.core.result.writer.ConsoleDataWriterSpec) Time elapsed: 0.037 sec <<< FAILURE!
'rg.specs2.reporter.JUnitReporter$$anon$1: ‘[##########################################################################]100%
is not equal to
]>##########################################################################]100%’ expected:<…###############]100%[]> but was:<…###############]100%[
at io.gatling.core.result.writer.ConsoleDataWriterSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$18.apply(ConsoleDataWriterSpec.scala:65)
at io.gatling.core.result.writer.ConsoleDataWriterSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$18.apply(ConsoleDataWriterSpec.scala:57)

[INFO] gatling-parent … SUCCESS [4.470s]
[INFO] gatling-core … FAILURE [40.347s]
[INFO] gatling-jdbc … SKIPPED
[INFO] gatling-redis … SKIPPED
[INFO] gatling-http … SKIPPED
[INFO] gatling-charts … SKIPPED
[INFO] gatling-metrics … SKIPPED
[INFO] gatling-app … SKIPPED
[INFO] gatling-recorder … SKIPPED
[INFO] gatling-bundle … SKIPPED
[INFO] gatling-maven-plugin … SKIPPED

How can I fix this issue?

Best regards,

Could you be running on Windows?
IIRC, some of the tests were failing on Windows at that time. This was fixed on master, but not ported back on 2.0.0-M3X as we didn’t intend to release on this branch.

May I ask what your purpose is?

Could you be running on Windows?

Yes, you are right.

IIRC, some of the tests were failing on Windows at that time. This was
fixed on master, but not ported back on 2.0.0-M3X as we didn't intend to
release on this branch.

If the issue with the test is not too sophisticated, I'll try to fix it. Do
you remember how it was fixed on master?

May I ask what your purpose is?

I would like to contribute to Gatling. Since most of the Issues with
"Feature" tag are planned for 2.0.0-M5, I thought that this is the right
way to start: checkout the development branch and build the project.

I would like to contribute to Gatling. Since most of the Issues with
"Feature" tag are planned for 2.0.0-M5, I thought that this is the right
way to start: checkout the development branch and build the project.

2.0.0-M3X was a branch we used to fix 2M3, as we discovered some blocking
bugs 1 day after the release.
Code base has evolved a lot since, so if you intend to contribute, please
use the master branch.

If you plan on implementing some of the issues in our bug tracker, please
get in touch so we can work together and we don't end up working on the
same thing in parallel.



I would like to contribute to Gatling. Since most of the Issues with
"Feature" tag are planned for 2.0.0-M5, I thought that this is the right
way to start: checkout the development branch and build the project.

2.0.0-M3X was a branch we used to fix 2M3, as we discovered some blocking
bugs 1 day after the release.
Code base has evolved a lot since, so if you intend to contribute, please
use the master branch.

Thank you for helping me with this.
What confused me, is that 2.0.0-M3X has pom.xml file, while master branch
does not. This seems to contradict to what is written on "Development
environment" page on wiki that says that Gatling can be build with "mvn
clean install" and that project should be imported to Eclipse as Maven

If you plan on implementing some of the issues in our bug tracker, please
get in touch so we can work together and we don't end up working on the
same thing in parallel.

Ok, I'll get in touch.
If there is any low-priority task that I can start with comes to mind do
not hesitate to recommend :slight_smile:

Best regards,

What confused me, is that 2.0.0-M3X has pom.xml file, while master branch
does not. This seems to contradict to what is written on "Development
environment" page on wiki that says that Gatling can be build with "mvn
clean install" and that project should be imported to Eclipse as Maven

Yep, Gatling now builds with sbt.
Documentation is going under major refactoring too.

If you plan on implementing some of the issues in our bug tracker, please
get in touch so we can work together and we don't end up working on the
same thing in parallel.

Ok, I'll get in touch.
If there is any low-priority task that I can start with comes to mind do
not hesitate to recommend :slight_smile:

Well, browse the bug tracker and ping if you find something that you find
interesting. Start small :slight_smile: