Trace logs issue with Gatling 3.4.0


With Gatling 3.4.0, It seems the http response body is not written properly (Trace log is enabled in logback.xml) in the console in case of any http failures. Even the subsequent request’s response body as written in the log as below.


Its not a major issue but blocking the script issue investigation as not able to get the full response in case of any failure.


It’s not an issue but completely expected. The content is not text but binary so we can’t print it.

Thanks Stéphane. Its completely printing fine in 3.3.0 version. Is there any specific change to 3.4.0 which impacting the print of binary content? It may be a small feature but very much required for script development and validation.

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Please find requests and responses with Gatling 3.3.0 and Gatling 3.4.0… There is no other change in the project other than this.

Gatling 3.3.0:

HTTP request:

GET https://******/auth/users/me


accept: application/vnd.userinfo.v1+json

X-Agent: ******

X-Territory: ******

X-Usertoken: ******

X-Provider: ******

content-type: application/vnd.userinfo.v1+json

X-Proposition: ******

host: ******

HTTP response:


403 Forbidden


Server: ******

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 58

Connection: keep-alive


{“errorCode”:“OVP_00306”,“description”:“Security failure”}

HTTP request:

GET https://******/public/profile


accept: application/vnd.aggregator.v3+json

X-Territory: IT

X-Provider: ******

content-type: application/vnd.aggregator.v3+json

X-Stage-Spoof-IP: ******

X-token: ******

X-Proposition: ******

Authorization: Basic d******=

host: ******

Well, your issue is that the technology you’re using chose to use a non standard mime type in the ContentType header, such as “application/vnd.aggregator.v3+json” (vnd stands for “vendor”). Not very wise IMO… I expect your browser dev tools to not display it as nicely formatted JSON either…

What’s this technology?

It looks like it’s JSON API (which is actually a vendor technology).

Thanks Stephane for the prompt response, ll check it in the upcoming version.
