Unable to Group requests together in Gatling

Hi Team,
I’m using gatling 3.6.0

I’m trying to group two requests together under a group name as follows:

val chain1 = exec(http(“GET_SingleUser_24”).get(“/api/users/12”))
val chain2 = exec(http(“GET_SingleUser_25”).get(“/api/users/12”))

val scn = scenario(“My Scenario”)
exec(chain1, chain2)

But I’m always getting the following result:

---- Requests ------------------------------------------------------------------

Global (OK=1 KO=0 )
MyGroup / GET_SingleUser_24 (OK=1 KO=0 )

Request "GET_SingleUser_25 " is not getting hit.

Can someone please explain where I’m doing wrong?

I guess this second request has some HTTP caching headers that makes it skipped, as it’s identical to the first one.

Hi Stephane,
Yss u are correct…After changing the request end points, both the request got it.

val chain1 = exec(http(“GET_SingleUser_1”).get(“/api/users/1”))
val chain2 = exec(http(“GET_SingleUser_2”).get(“/api/users/2”))

val scn = scenario(“My Scenario”)
exec(chain1, chain2)

The Result is:

---- Requests ------------------------------------------------------------------

Global (OK=2 KO=0 )
MyGroup / GET_SingleUser_1 (OK=1 KO=0 )
MyGroup / GET_SingleUser_2 (OK=1 KO=0 )

Thank u…so much for helping…!!