I have a collection of library classes that I built to handle certain stuff for me.
I defined unit tests so I could make sure that those classes work correctly.
But since they are a Gatling library, I need to test them in the context of Gatling. So I declared a simulation trait:
trait UnitTest extends Simulation {
def behavior : ScenarioBuilder
setUp( behavior.inject( atOnceUsers( 1 ) ) )
.protocols( Default.httpConfig )
.pauses( if ( Test.usePauses ) exponentialPauses else disabledPauses )
.assertions( global.failedRequests.count.is( 0 ) )
In Gatling 2.x, this worked fine, even for code that just did assertions to make sure that everything was wired up as intended. Now in 3.2, the test is failing, presumably because the report generator complained about there being no requests generated. Is there a way to suppress that error? Or avoid generating it in the first place?
– John