updating a session attribute in a doWhile loop

I want to run a scenario that runs until a given condition, using doWhile.

I have a simple example:

val scn = scenario(“Read 1”)
.exec( session => session.set(“count”, 1))
.doWhile(_(“count”).as[Int] < 10) {
http(“getting: “)

This will run indefinitely of course, because the session attribute “count” is never incremented.

I tried to add an exec statement to increment it:

val scn = scenario(“Read 1”)
.exec( session => session.set(“count”, 1))
.doWhile(_(“count”).as[Int] < 10) {
http(“getting: “)
exec(s => s.set(“count”, s(“count”).as[Int] + 1))


But this causes an unsupportedoperationexception- no requests sent during the simulation.

My question is how can I increment count within the doWhile block?