I’ve a problem with gatling because i want “doIf” something when i CHECK if something is on the page.
For exemple, i want to exec a specific treatment if i found on the page a specific wording because a html block is showed.
[...] .check(substring("Resultat de recherche").exists.saveAs("MyBool"))) .doIf("${MyBool}") { exec([...]) }
But, in MyBool i’ve an integer code, 6938 ! I don’t where they came from and why, exists doesn’t return à boolean we can save it on a varaibel “MyBool” ?
thank you, it works !
it’s weird because if i do an “exists” before “saveAs” on a variable, the result is wrong but if i saveAs the substring result AND i do the exists like you say on the “doIf”, they work…
Strange things but the principal is to be unstuck
If the substring in the response is optional (can occur on not), you can add “.optional” to your check - Gatling won’t fail the request if the string is absent:
check(substring(“Resultat de recherche”).optional.saveAs(“MyBool”)))