When I use the blacklist in the recorder, the script wil contain the line:
.inferHtmlResources(black = BlackList("""..css."""), white = WhiteList())
But the compiler in Eclipse (+ Scala IDE for Eclipse) complains:
ambiguous reference to overloaded definition, both method inferHtmlResources in class HttpProtocolBuilder of type (black: io.gatling.core.filter.BlackList, white: io.gatling.core.filter.WhiteList)io.gatling.http.config.HttpProtocolBuilder and method inferHtmlResources in class HttpProtocolBuilder of type (white: io.gatling.core.filter.WhiteList, black: io.gatling.core.filter.BlackList)io.gatling.http.config.HttpProtocolBuilder match argument types (black: io.gatling.core.filter.BlackList,white: io.gatling.core.filter.WhiteList)
When I leave the parameter names out of the method call, the compiler can resolve the correct overload by type:
.inferHtmlResources(BlackList("""..css."""), WhiteList())