Way to set body in a signature calculator in gatling 3?

In Gatling 2.3, I had a signature calculator that looked like this:

class OemEncryptedKeySignatureCalculator extends SignatureCalculator {
override def calculateAndAddSignature(request: Request, requestBuilder: RequestBuilderBase[_]): Unit = {
val headers = request.getHeaders

val oemSecret = headers.get(“oemSecret”)
val oemStr = headers.get(“oemStr”)
val oemModel = headers.get(“oemModel”)

val now: Long = Instant.now().getEpochSecond() + numDevices * 100 + 10000
val oemEncryptedKeyRaw = “%d %s %s %s”.format(now, oemSecret, oemStr, oemModel)
val oemEncryptedKey = encryptString(oemEncryptedKeyRaw)
val newBody = putInfoJson.format(oemStr, oemModel, oemEncryptedKey)



I was able to set the body of the request to a new value. FYI, as a hack, I was passing in values through headers. Maybe there was a better way of doing that, but that is not my question.

I was not able to figure out how to set the body in a signature calculator in Gatling 3. Here is what I have so far:

class OemEncryptedKeySignatureCalculator extends SignatureCalculator {
def sign(request: Request): Unit = {
val headers = request.getHeaders

val oemSecret = headers.get(“oemSecret”)
val oemStr = headers.get(“oemStr”)
val oemModel = headers.get(“oemModel”)

val now: Long = Instant.now().getEpochSecond() + numDevices * 100 + 10000
val oemEncryptedKeyRaw = “%d %s %s %s”.format(now, oemSecret, oemStr, oemModel)
val oemEncryptedKey = encryptString(oemEncryptedKeyRaw)
val newBody = putInfoJson.format(oemStr, oemModel, oemEncryptedKey)

// request.setBody(newBody) // This does not work



I need to dynamically create the body of my request. Can someone help me figure out how to do this in Gatling 3?


Definitely a misuse of SignatureCalculator. You’re passing input data as headers, which were most likely resolved from Session, and then remove them.
You should directly compute your body with a function, eg StringBody(Session => String)