WebSocket reconciliate wait for pending asynchronous wsListen checks

I am using Gatling 2.2.5 and trying to achieve the following:

open a websocket
send a HTTP POST request that triggers a server-side process that eventually sends a message to the websocket
wait for the websocket response
save a match from the websocket response

My original attempt for this has a race condition where the server-side process may complete before I start waiting for the websocket response (simplified snippet for demonstration):

.exec(ws(“Open websocket”).open("/"))
http(“Trigger server-side process”)
// race condition: WebSocket response may have already been sent here
ws(“Await response”)
.sendText("""{“event”:“ping”}""") // send an arbitrary message to enable setting a check
.check(wsAwait.within(300 seconds).until(1).regex("""^(.“event”:“success”.)""").saveAs(“ws_response”)

I am now trying to achieve a flow which removes this race condition but the Gatling DSL does not seem to quite support what I want:

.exec(ws(“Open websocket”).open("/"))
ws(“Listen non-blocking for response”)
.sendText("""{“event”:“ping”}""") // send an arbitrary message to enable setting a check
.check(wsListen.within(300 seconds).until(1).regex("""^(.“event”:“success”.)""").saveAs(“ws_response”)
http(“Trigger server-side process”)
.exec(ws(“Reconciliate WebSocket and HTTP states”).reconciliate)

From experimentation and looking at the source code, it seems that reconciliate immediately cancels any pending checks, causing my script to fail. I want to wait until the websocket response has occurred and capture the saved variable into the session for future requests. I have tried making use of asLongAs, during et al but they do not seem to have access to the websocket state until reconciliate is called.

Does anyone know how to do it in v3.0?