while loop help

sorry i am bit newbie. can you please help me with while loop.
I need to store all values of tag from api response and make call with each value
can you please tell me how to store and how to call it.

Currently i have

but now i need to select all values not just random

and then call


here i am trying to call “.get(”/feedr/images/${imageId}")" with each value of imageid

Use foreach: https://github.com/excilys/gatling/wiki/Structure-Elements#foreach

Thanks. Does it look right ?

.doIf(session => session(“yng”).as.toString != “0”) {
.foreach("${imageIdList}", “imageId”) {



You shouldn’t have this leading dot before calling foreach.

Thanks I did not notice it. Thanks again, It was very helpful.

I recently joined this group and getting big support here.

You’re welcome.
Have fun!