(2.0.0-M3a) Problem with generating new body for each request


I’m currently using version 2.0.0-M3a. I want to generate XML with random values for each request.

My current scenario look like this:

def getXML(): String = {
//return XML with random values as String

val scn = scenario(“sample”)
http(“POST request”)

But then I see Gatling logs it’s seems that gatling generate one XML body for all requests.

How can I put individual body on each request ?

In your simulation, getXML() is evaluated only once and not for every user.

If you want to do so, try the following :

def getXML(session:Session): Validation[String] = {

val scn = scenario(“sample”)
http(“POST request”)


Or just keep getXML: String and have:

StringBody(session => getXML)

or even, as the session is not used:

StringBody(_ => getXML)

a matter of taste/scala skills…

It works. Thanks for you help )