I am using gatling 1.5.2. I have a scenario where I need to give random values in post request body. The post is in ‘repeat’ status for say 20. For each of these 20 post request, I need to give a random in id attribute of post request xml.
You’re passing a static String that’s evaluated once when the scenario is built, while you should be passing a function that’s evaluated every time a request is to be sent.
One more issue - I am using csv feeder as input. My request body has to get the value from csv and send the request. But my request does not contain the value from csv. am giving the request body as below :
1.5.2, because of having to execute more than one scenarios at the same time, I am forced to use this. You had given the reply earlier that multiple scenario implementation is currently not in the latest release but will be coming up in master releases.
I want to print el and variable in a string body… if i use session.get(“AccountTID”) it is returing the whole session variable how to get value for the session variableI am using 2.2.0 version in gatling
I have posted in the following way where i am posting json with random value for the input field, but it works in the thread level.
Random is same for repeat . Can you please suggest me the approach for getting random for each repeat?