I’m trying to do something brain-dead simple: run a one-off gatling script in the current directory from the command-line. In that directory, I have a gatling.conf file, like so:
gatling {
core {
directory {
results = “./results” # Name of the folder where all reports folder are located
data = “.” # Folder where user’s data (e.g. files used by Feeders) is located
bodies = “.” # Folder where bodies are located
simulations = “.” # Folder where the bundle’s simulations are located
binaries = “./target” # If set, name of the folder where compiles classes are located
The .scala file does not define a package. It is in the root of the defined simulations directory. The class does extend Simulation. It looks like this:
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
class RegisterUsers extends Simulation {
val FORM_POST_URL = “form-post-url”
val httpConf = http.baseURL( “” )
val process =
scenario( “Register Individual” )
.feed( tsv( “unregistered-individuals.txt” ) )
.exec( http( “Registration Page” )
.get( “/web/public/registration” )
.check( css( “form#form-info”, “action” ).saveAs( FORM_POST_URL ) ) )
.exec( session => {
print( session(FORM_POST_URL).as[String] )
setUp( process.inject( atOnceUsers(1) ).protocols( httpConf ))
I run gatling like this:
/data/software/gatling/bin/gatling.sh \
–simulation RegisterUsers
The output I get is:
GATLING_HOME is set to /data/software/gatling
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: test-classes/RegisterUsers (wrong name: RegisterUsers)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at io.gatling.app.classloader.FileSystemBackedClassLoader.findClass(FileSystemBackedClassLoader.scala:71)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at io.gatling.app.classloader.SimulationClassLoader$$anonfun$simulationClasses$1.applyOrElse(SimulationClassLoader.scala:47)
at io.gatling.app.classloader.SimulationClassLoader$$anonfun$simulationClasses$1.applyOrElse(SimulationClassLoader.scala:47)
at scala.collection.immutable.List.collect(List.scala:295)
at io.gatling.app.classloader.SimulationClassLoader.simulationClasses(SimulationClassLoader.scala:47)
at io.gatling.app.Selection$Selector.loadSimulations(Selection.scala:61)
at io.gatling.app.Selection$Selector.selection(Selection.scala:39)
at io.gatling.app.Selection$.apply(Selection.scala:33)
at io.gatling.app.Gatling.runIfNecessary(Gatling.scala:73)
at io.gatling.app.Gatling.start(Gatling.scala:63)
at io.gatling.app.Gatling$.start(Gatling.scala:51)
at io.gatling.app.Gatling$.fromArgs(Gatling.scala:43)
at io.gatling.app.Gatling$.main(Gatling.scala:37)
at io.gatling.app.Gatling.main(Gatling.scala)
It appears to compile, because the target directory looks like this:
Any thoughts why Gatling can’t load and execute my class?