95th percentile response time trend?

Hi all,


I have a gatling plugin that shows the ‘mean response time trend’ graph by default for my load test run on Jenkins.

I wonder if there is any other plugin for Jenkins that show other response time trends like 95th percentile response time trend?



I think the Gatling Jenkins Plugin already provide this kind of information.

On your project page (e.g.: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/download/attachments/65669112/dashboard.png?version=2&modificationDate=1355996704000). You have a Gatling icon on top of the build history that will lead you there.


True, but that is just the mean response time.

ON clicking the ‘gatling’ link, I was trying to view the performance trend, but it is empty.

I could see some error from the Dev tool on Chrome as follows (Firefox also shows the preformance trend as empty)
