I’m teaching myself Scala and might like to write some code, is there a list of bugs or features anywhere that people aren’t already working on?
Why does Gatling use all 4 of Async Http Client, Netty, Akka, and Grizzly? Aren’t all 4 libraries that provide non-blocking IO?
Hi James,
Hi James,
1. I'm teaching myself Scala and might like to write some code, is there a
list of bugs or features anywhere that people aren't already working on?You can check Issues · gatling/gatling · GitHub but I don't think we
have any low hanging fruit ATM.
OK, thanks anyway!
2. Why does Gatling use all 4 of Async Http Client, Netty, Akka, and
Grizzly? Aren't all 4 libraries that provide non-blocking IO?Netty is low level.
Gatling uses AHC, that is a client API that can work either on top of Netty
or Grizzly. We target the Netty provider. We used to support Grizzly too but
we dropped it.Akka currently has only a very low level TPC layer named akka-io, but it
cannot do HTTP. akka-http (originating from Spray) should be released soon.
Ah, I saw Grizzly mentioned on the licence page at
which I guess just hasn't been updated. So Netty is for low level
things, Http Client for high level things, and Akka is just used for
actors (which are now part of the standard Scala distribution as I
understand it).
On the contrary, Scala actors have been deprecated (with the 2.10 IIRC) in favor of Akka, but some APIs from Akka made it into Scala’s standard library (An exemple is the classes for scala.concurrent.duration package).
Scala actors have been deprecated, but Akka actors are included in the
default Scala distribution:
James 1 - 0 Pierre
not sure I deserve 1, I wasn't clear of the distinction between the
two actor implementations until I read about it just now. Also, the
licence page isn't out of date, I just got confused between Grizzled
and Grizzly!
Sorry, little misunderstand on my side : Akka Actors are part of the Scala Distrubtion (eg. akka-actors.jar is on the REPL’s classpath), but not part of the standard library (eg. the scala-library artifact).
Grizzled (a logging library) has been dropped too, as this wiki page is about Gatling 1, not Gatling 2.