Hi All,
I might not understand “Active users” concept, so, could you put some light on the following situation please.
I have a simple scenario:
class GetProdLikeSimulation extends Simulation {
val simulationDuration: lang.Long = 300L
scenario("GET monitor/version")
.repeat(1) {
http("GET monitor/version")
.check(status is 200)
.inject(constantUsersPerSec(245) during (simulationDuration second))
.protocols(http.baseUrl(baseUrl).headers(Map(Header.iPhoneUserAgent, Header.jsonContentType)))
I am sending simple get request (245 req per sec during 5 mins) here.
Everything is fine while “Active users” is on the same level. Then this “Active users” parameter is growing up dramatically.
So, several questions here from my side:
- What is the reason for that?
- Why the time spot when “Active users” starts to increase is always random (from run to run)?
Thanks a lot,