Was the archetype removed for 3.7 ? Is this intentional?
I found my answer, the doc mentions that there are samples on github, any pointers would be nice
You’re right archetypes were abandoned because we think is not worth our time.
We’re not aware of lot of users using archetype in the maven world, generally speaking. We might be wrong, though.
We think demo applications is more common nowadays to start a project.
any pointers would be nice
I think there should be links. Please point me where the links lack.
Its this section I was referring to Gatling - What's New in 3.7 Using the maven archetype was a good way of setting up a dev env on intelliJ/VSCode. Is there any other way to setup something similar on an IDE without using maven archetype, like getting at least the Engine class and the gatling dependencies (sbt or maven)?
I guess found what needs to be done now. Clone this repo and go about your business GitHub - gatling/gatling-maven-plugin-demo-scala: Showcase of the Gatling Plugin for Maven + Scala I’ll give it a try
Indeed, you found them.
The documentation for maven display the links for the demo project in Java, Kotlin and Scala.
The documentation for gradle display the links for the demo projects in Java, Kotlin and Scala.
The documentation for sbt display the links for the demo projects in Scala only (as we think Java and Kotlin users will use maven or sbt).
Indeed, the What’s New in 3.7 can be enhanced with those links. Would you mind to propose a PR (to this file, I guess)?
Sure I can tackle this tomorrow.