are consecutive injection profile statements aggregate

I’m new to Gatling. I’m using Gatlilng open source v3.03 and sbt v1.2.8

I was wondering if within the scenario.inject() method that the number of users are aggregate. For example in this code snippet:

/*  1. pause for 5 seconds.
    2. Injects 10 users at once.
    3. Injects 10 users with a linear ramp over 5 seconds
    4. Injects users at 20 users per second during a 15 second interval.
       Users will be injected at regular intervals.
    5. Injects users at 20 users per second during a 15 second interval.
       Users will be injected at randomized intervals.
    6. Injects users from 10 ups to 20 ups, during a 10 second interval.
       Users will be injected at regular intervals.
    7. Injects users from 10 ups to 20 ups, during a 10 second interval.
       Users will be injected at randomized intervals.
    8. Injects 1000 users over a smooth approximation during a 20 second interval.

    nothingFor(5), // 1
    atOnceUsers(10), // 2
    rampUsers(10) during (5), // 3
    constantUsersPerSec(20) during (15), // 4
    constantUsersPerSec(20) during (15) randomized, // 5
    rampUsersPerSec(10) to 20 during (10), // 6
    rampUsersPerSec(10) to 20 during (10) randomized, // 7
    heavisideUsers(1000) during (20) // 8

Question #1: Are the 10 users for the statement ‘atOnceUsers(10)’ aggregated onto the users in the following ‘rampUsers(10)’ or are they the same 10 users?
Question #2: For the ‘constantUsersPerSec(20)’ statement, does it generate 20 new users or are they aggregated from previous statements as referred to in my 1st question above?