Injection profile - help


I’m trying to inject users following this pattern :

  • X users over Y seconds
  • NothingFor Z seconds
  • X+a users over Y seconds
  • NothingFor Z seconds
  • X+2a users over Y seconds
  • NothingFor Z seconds

rampUsers(10) over(60 seconds),
nothingFor(30 seconds),
rampUsers(20) over(60 seconds),
nothingFor(30 seconds),


I’ve read but I can’t find a better way to do it.


IMO, the simplest solution to achieve what you want is this :


val factor = 2
val newUsersByIteration = 10
val injectionProfile = (1 to factor).flatMap(mult => Seq(rampUsers(10 + (mult * newUsersByIteration) over(60 seconds), nothingFor(30 seconds)))

setUp(scn.inject(injectionProfile: _*))


Hope this helps !




Now I am wondering if it ispossible to “wait” for the first 10 users to complete the scenario before launching the 10 + 10 next.

There is, and it’s called rendezvous :

Well, the rendezvous cannot be used in the setUp block. (Correct me if I’m wrong)

That could work If i’m able to know the number of users. Then I could do something like

val parentScenario = exec(myScenario).rendezVous(/number here/)


But with the solution you ( you perfectly answered the original question btw) provided, I’m not able to calculate the current number of users.