Blog | When websites and applications crash: 5 examples and what went wrong

Dear Gatling users,

Website crashes can happen to everyone. Things move quickly online and you need to be prepared. :face_with_monocle:

But what happens if you aren’t? Well you might have to learn about server overloads, downtime and crashes the hard way. In this new blog post, Yoann gives you 5 examples of major companies that expected to be ready, but failed to offer the best user experience possible.

:point_right: Discover the most Famous websites Crashes

PS: “Yeah, but I’m fine, it’s only a problem for huge companies.” If doubling their usual (very) huge load made them go down for a while, think about how easy it could be for you to multiply your traffic 5 or 10 times. Don’t underestimate your ability to succeed. :fire: