Hi Guys,
I’m extracting an Id (optional) using a regex and with a check and saving that into a session. When I try to use doIf to verify if the session key exists in order to proceed, it keeps returning false even when I enabled debug and verify my session is there. What can be doing wrong? I’ve tried gatling 2.1.4 and 2.1.5 and using maven plugin.
Here is the extraction
Object MyObj { val sc = sncenario("MyScenario") http("getsomeids") .get("www.mysite.com") .check(regex("myregexhere").optional.saveAs("myId")) }
Here is the check
class mySimulation extends Simulation {
val myscn = scenario(“MyScenario”)
This always returns false even though I enable logging (logback-test.xml) and I can see myId and it’s value (myId → 123). I’ve also tried many other different ways.
doIf(session => session.contains(“myId”)){
doIf(session => session(“myId”).as[String].length > 0 ){
Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?