Catling and how to get json array


Using Gatling 2.2.0. How can we save jsonpath result as an array into a Websocket session object?

Here is the json string:
“jsonrpc”: “2.0”,
“id”: 6,
“delta”: true,
“result”: {
“qLayout”: [
“op”: “add”,
“path”: “/”,
“value”: {
“qInfo”: {
“qId”: “MU2”,
“qType”: “sheet”
“qSelectionInfo”: {},
“qAppObjectList”: {
“qItems”: [
“qInfo”: {
“qId”: “b93a1db4-65fe-4984-a6ea-3eb26215eddc”,
“qType”: “sheet”
“qMeta”: {
“title”: “Subject Information”,
“description”: “Subject information.”,
“privileges”: [
“modifiedDate”: “2016-05-06T11:02:26.367Z”,
“published”: true,
“publishTime”: “2016-05-06T11:02:25.007Z”,
“approved”: true,
“owner”: {
“id”: “f9345cd8-60a9-4c17-903b-a6b19fdb5a5a”,
“userId”: “testing”,
“userDirectory”: “TEST”,
“name”: “testing”,
“privileges”: null
“qSize”: -1,
“sourceObject”: “”,
“draftObject”: “”
“qData”: {
“rank”: -0.75,
“thumbnail”: {
“qStaticContentUrl”: {}
“columns”: 24,
“rows”: 12,
“cells”: [
“name”: “a79e7d7e-e4f6-4635-8452-eb82088b5307”,
“type”: “table”,
“col”: 0,
“row”: 6,
“colspan”: 24,
“rowspan”: 6
“name”: “583b009d-6fb4-4b3b-954a-d2c60db257e9”,
“type”: “filterpane”,
“col”: 0,
“row”: 0,
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“name”: “56ecda2b-4e81-4cc2-a76e-30a0ed8513f7”,
“type”: “kpi”,
“col”: 12,
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“name”: “631ce74e-35ec-4655-844a-a7a4c6492691”,
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“name”: “mrbjwm”,
“type”: “filterpane”,
“col”: 0,
“row”: 1,
“colspan”: 3,
“rowspan”: 1
“name”: “WJPD”,
“type”: “text-image”,
“col”: 3,
“row”: 0,
“colspan”: 2,
“rowspan”: 3
“name”: “FGSjM”,
“type”: “text-image”,
“col”: 5,
“row”: 0,
“colspan”: 7,
“rowspan”: 3
“name”: “VqTRpZE”,
“type”: “text-image”,
“col”: 0,
“row”: 3,
“colspan”: 5,
“rowspan”: 3
“name”: “Euzn”,
“type”: “text-image”,
“col”: 5,
“row”: 4,
“colspan”: 19,
“rowspan”: 2
“title”: “Subject Information”,
“description”: “Subject information.”
“qInfo”: {
“qId”: “e1c301cd-3a60-4c24-9fa8-e7726213a3b9”,
“qType”: “sheet”
“qMeta”: {
“title”: “User Information”,
“description”: “User Information.”,
“privileges”: [
“modifiedDate”: “2016-05-06T11:02:26.367Z”,
“published”: true,
“publishTime”: “2016-05-06T11:02:25.007Z”,
“approved”: true,
“owner”: {
“id”: “f9345cd8-60a9-4c17-903b-a6b19fdb5a5a”,
“userId”: “testing”,
“userDirectory”: “TEST”,
“name”: “testing”,
“privileges”: null
“qSize”: -1,
“sourceObject”: “”,
“draftObject”: “”
“qData”: {
“rank”: 0.625,
“thumbnail”: {
“qStaticContentUrl”: {}
“columns”: 24,
“rows”: 12,
“cells”: [
“name”: “148ad404-7531-471f-99c7-e31d579e235f”,
“type”: “table”,
“col”: 0,
“row”: 7,
“colspan”: 24,
“rowspan”: 5
“name”: “1c52b61e-a943-45a3-8a7d-ac7d752931c9”,
“type”: “piechart”,
“col”: 13,
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“colspan”: 11,
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“type”: “linechart”,
“col”: 0,
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“rowspan”: 4
“name”: “tetPuC”,
“type”: “text-image”,
“col”: 3,
“row”: 0,
“colspan”: 2,
“rowspan”: 3
“name”: “mBLmRe”,
“type”: “text-image”,
“col”: 5,
“row”: 0,
“colspan”: 8,
“rowspan”: 3
“name”: “XTyaW”,
“type”: “filterpane”,
“col”: 0,
“row”: 1,
“colspan”: 3,
“rowspan”: 1
“name”: “RLvpQKT”,
“type”: “filterpane”,
“col”: 0,
“row”: 0,
“colspan”: 3,
“rowspan”: 1
“name”: “EcaPxyq”,
“type”: “filterpane”,
“col”: 0,
“row”: 2,
“colspan”: 3,
“rowspan”: 1
“title”: “User Information”,
“description”: “User Information.”

Using $…qItems[1].qData…cells[*].name we get this array:

With this gatling code we are getting only the first value as string:

.exec( ws(“GetLayout 6 WSS”)
.check( wsAwait.within(2).until(1).jsonPath("$…qItems[1].qData…cells[*].name").saveAs(“names”) ) )
.exec(session => {
if (session.contains(“names”)) {
println(“WSS session attribute names=> " + session(“names”).as[String])
.foreach(”${names}", “name”) {
exec( ws(“GetObject 7 WSS”)
.sendText("""{“method”:“GetObject”,“handle”:1,“params”:["${name}"],“id”:count++,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”}""") )
.exec( ws(“Cancel WS”).cancelCheck )

Running the gatling code shows this:

WSS session attribute names=> 148ad404-7531-471f-99c7-e31d579e235f

and there is this error in the log file:

2016-05-31 13:22:07,213 ERROR [] i.g.c.s.LoopBlock$ [Block.scala:42]
Condition evaluation crashed with message ‘Can’t cast value 148ad404-7531-471f-99c7-e31d579e235f of type class java.lang.String into interface scala.collection.Seq’, exiting loop

It’s all in the doc.

Thank you from the help. The problem was solved in Gatling version 2.2.1 and using the .findAll:

.exec( ws(“GetLayout 6 WSS”)


.check( wsAwait.within(2).expect(1).jsonPath("$…qItems[5].qData…cells[*].name").findAll.saveAs(“names”) ) )

and the value for names is now:

WSS session attribute names=> Vector(148ad404-7531-471f-99c7-e31d579e235f, 1c52b61e-a943-45a3-8a7d-ac7d752931c9, 252df62e-17a7-4240-a73a-3d376167e1c6, tetPuC, mBLmRe, XTyaW, RLvpQKT, EcaPxyq)

tiistai 31. toukokuuta 2016 18.14.56 UTC+3 Stéphane Landelle kirjoitti: