Check dupplicate content

Hi everyone

I would like to know if there is a way to check dupplicate content with gatling

Let me explain :slight_smile:

I simulate an appointment reservation and I get an confinrmation ID back

I would like to know if there is a way to check if the same id has not been assigned several times on all concurrent users

Thanks in advance for your help

I have tried this scenario once at our work.

Try to execute the simulation with atOnceUsers(5) i.e. more than one user and check-in database if the same confirmation id is not assigned several times on all concurrent users

Hi Sai
Thanks for your reply
I can’t check in database , I don’t have access
This is why I asking if I can handle it with Gatling


you can capture the ID and write it to a file. once the test is done, check for any duplicates in the file

Sujin Sam