Concat ScenarioBuilder(s)?


today we discussed the way we want to create our scenarios. The one feature what we have with an OO language is the reusability of parts.
So we was talking about the idea building some parts in different classes and than put them all together.

The idea looks like:
object DomainScenario {
val scn = … // get/create domains

object DummyScenario {
val scn = … // do some high load stuff using domains

class HighLoadSimulation extends Simulation {
def apply = {
DomainScenario.scn + DummyScenario.scn)

In words, we’d like to create some scenarios depending on each other and run them as ONE scenario (by many concurrent users)
What do you suggest about it?

Spliting reusable parts into objects is exactly the best practice we presented at Devoxx.

Let me update the Hands On project (I’ll do it by the end :

Sorry, last mail was shot against my will…

Splitting reusable parts into objects is exactly the best practice we presented at Devoxx.

You can also have a look at how the guys at VMWare have been doing things:



I’ve just updated the Hands On code.

“Step13.scala” looks quite interesting - using functions to create different ScenarioBuilder’s and at least put the in a scenario.

Many thanks,

Nice … now it uses objects :wink:

A 100 thanks,

Glad it helps!