I would like to run more than one scenario (one by one, not simultaneously). These scenarios are declared in one source file, named scn1, scn2, etc…
Could you give me some hint how should I do that? I read somewhere that it can be done with maven plugin, but I am not good at it. Is there any demo project, that show me how?
Thanks in advance,
Balazs Komaromi
Hi Balazs,
You could do something like this in your scala :
val scenario1 = scenario(…)…
val scenario2 = scenario(…)…
Would it fit your needs ?
Thanks François!
It looks like easy now, I should have thought 
Now it’s working, so thank you again!
- augusztus 12., kedd 17:07:54 UTC+2 időpontban François Laroche a következőt írta: