ConfigFactory and config files for environment specific test runs


My setup

  • Visual Studio Code with the Scala extension
  • Gatling 3.4 (Open-Source)
  • Start tests using the following command line
    • I use Powershell to run this command
    • .\gatling.bat --simulation “api.private”
      The question

I would like to have more information on how I setup my Gatling so that, from the command line i can run my tests against a particular environment (eg. Acceptance, Test, Dev)

Through some investigation I have found the ConfigFactory and have managed to use it with a new custom config file named accp.config.

However Im unable to supply this config file as part of the command line options!

What is a good approach to use to get this to work the way I expect?

Use Java System properties. You can pass them from the command line .\gatling.bat --simulation “api.private” -Dfoo=bar

Thanks Stephane ill give it a try :+1:

@Stéphane Landelle

nah mate that does not work.

In the Powershell command typed .\gatling.bat --simulation “api.private” -Dfoo=bar

and added the following lines to me code
var h = System.getProperty(“foo”)
println(“h=” + h)

when i ran it i get the message

Warning: Unknown option -Dfoo=bar

The test ran successfully but the “foo bar” part did not pull the data from the command line

any ideas as to what im doing incorrectly?

PS: I also tried this and it too did not work
Passing Parameters – Gatling Open-Source Load Testing Documentation

Right, for the bundle, you have to set the JAVA_OPTS env var with the System props you want, eg -Dfoo=bar

If you use gradle plugin for gatling it will be helpful

Setup gradle as the build tool instead of using bat file for execution


I have managed to get it working in PowerShell.

[ValidateSet(“PROD”, “ACCP”, “TEST”)]

Set-Variable JAVAOPTS_ENV_PARAM -Option Constant -Value ([string]"-Denvironment=")

$javaoptsenv = $JAVAOPTS_ENV_PARAM + $environment

Set-Item ENV:JAVA_OPTS $javaoptsenv

$simname = "test.sim"

$gatsim = ".\gatling.bat --simulation $testsim"

&cmd /c $gatsim

ok… looks good. but if you want to have a proper implementation, I would prefer using gradle build tool and gatling gradle plugin
gatling {
resources.srcDir “src/gatling/resources/”
scala.srcDir “src/gatling/simulations/”
scala.srcDir “src/gatling/java”
scala.srcDir “src/gatling/scala”

gatling {

toolVersion = ‘3.3.1’
logLevel = ‘WARN’
jvmArgs = [’-server’, ‘-Xmx4G’,
‘-XX:+UseG1GC’, ‘-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=30’,
systemProperties = [‘file.encoding’: ‘UTF-8’]
simulations = {
include “/*.scala"
include "


Simulation : fetching variables from commandline args and parameters
val env = System.getProperty(“env”)
val envConf = ConfigFactory.load(“conf/environment.conf”)
val baseURL = envConf.getString(s"$env.baseURL")
val authUser= envConf.getString(s"$env.user")
val authPassword = envConf.getString(s"$env.password")