Custom DataWriter


I would like to override the default behavior of FileDataWriter (LogFileDataWriter in 3.x) by providing a custom writer that would only write down log messages within a specified time interval. (My aim is to ignore requests from ramp-up and ramp-down phases when when computing stats.)

I reviewed the docs and the sources but it’s not obvious to me how, or if this is even possible. The GatlingConfiguration class seems to only initialize the built-in data writers.

Any ideas?



Actually, custom DataWriters are not and will never be possible.
Exporting data or data transformations are features that we provide in FrontLine, our Entreprise companion.
Specifically, what you’re trying to achieve is a built-in feature in FrontLine.


I see. Thank you for the quick reply.


So, does it mean that a PR with this feature for your open-source project won’t be merged?
