Debug Gatling : Get the called URL from Chainbuilder or ScenarioBuilder

Gatling version: 3.11.2
Gatling flavor: java
Gatling build tool: maven

I’m trying to call a simple URL HTTP search request with param via json feeder.

To Debug my code, I want to display and check the called URL , but I do not know how ! … and the output console after call mvn gatling:test not dispaly the url.

My question: is there a method to displau the url from the ChainBuilder or ScenarioBuilder object ?
If not, how I can display the HTTP URL of my request in the console with log.debug() or … ?

Thanks in advance


Have you tried the search box in the documentation, for example with the debug keyword?

Thank slandelle you for your quick feedback as usual,
Yes ! It’s mentioned in documentation, Just add .exec block in ScenarioBuilder object to get session object and debug it :

    ScenarioBuilder scn = scenario("Scenario Name").exec(search)
            .exec(session -> {
                System.out.println("SESSION : "+session.toString());
                return session;

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