how to debug

Hi ,

i have been working with Gatling for a week now.
i have created the following scenario and i am running the test from the terminal in IntelliJ IDEA.
I am able to see the console output of the POST Call but i am unable to see the GET Call during the polling.
This makes me wonder if the scenario is working as intended.
I have tried putting the log lines using exec(println(“This is a Log Line”)) but i see a error for the line where i put it.
i intend to put the log line to verify the value of varable execUID.
where can i put the line println(“execUID is “+”${execUID}” ?

val scn: ScenarioBuilder = scenario("Stress test scenario for records_included=All")
.repeat(3 , "counterName" ) {
  doWhile("$execState".equals("COMPLETED")) {
    exec(http("Submit Alerts for Execution").post("/_execute/?wait_for_completion_seconds=0")
          //.exec(http("Retrieve Execution Status").get("/_execute/"+"${execUID}"+"?wait_for_completion_seconds="+TestConfig.duration)
          .exec(http("Retrieve Execution Status").get("/_execute/" + "${execUID}" + "?wait_for_completion_seconds=" + TestConfig.duration)

place the code before polling & after pause(1) to get to know the value exits or not.

.exec(session => {
println(“execUID:” + session(“execUID”).as[String])

If value “execUID” doesn’t exists then it would not go to GET call.

Hi Madhana ,

The log lines are printing as below. i put the same block inside the polling after the GET Call as well.
The session value cannot be accessed as ${execUID}.

how can i save the value of session(“execUID”).as[String]) in a variable and then use it within the GET Call ?
Because i can’t use session(“execUID”).as[String]) within the GET call.

.exec(http(“Retrieve Execution Status”).get("/_execute/" + session(“execUID”).as[String]) + “?wait_for_completion_seconds=” + TestConfig.duration)

hi Madhana ,

I was able to save the value in a var but still not able to invoke the GET.
why is the GET within the polling not working . Latest code with he use of var below :

var execUID = "";

 val scn: ScenarioBuilder = scenario("Stress test scenario for records_included=All")
   .repeat(2, "counterName") {
     doWhile("$execState".equals("COMPLETED")) {
       exec(http("Submit Alerts for Execution").post("/_execute/?wait_for_completion_seconds=0")
         .exec(session => {
            execUID = session("execUID").as[String]
           println("execUID ( Var ) :>>>>>>>>>>" + execUID)
             //.exec(http("Retrieve Execution Status").get("/_execute/"+"${execUID}"+"?wait_for_completion_seconds="+TestConfig.duration)
             .exec(http("Retrieve Execution Status").get("/_execute/" + execUID + "?wait_for_completion_seconds=" + TestConfig.duration)
         .exec(session => {
           println("execUID:>>>>>>>>>>222" + session("execUID").as[String])
           println("execUID:>>>>>>>>>>222" + "${execUID}")
           println("execUID ( Var2 ) :>>>>>>>>>>" + execUID)

you can not pass variable directly to the GET call the one you shared. instead save the value and pass as parameter.

e.g…exec(http(“Retrieve Execution Status”).get("/_execute/" + “${execUID}” + “?wait_for_completion_seconds=” + "${TestConfig.duration})

Hi Madhana ,

The commented line above the current GET call was the original implementation.
But the GAT call is not invoked. the call is working if i remove the polling.
what is wrong with this implementation.

This is my original implementation which is now commented.
The execUID varibale is saved using saveas durong the first POST call.

//.exec(http("Retrieve Execution Status").get("/_execute/"+"${execUID}"+"?wait_for_completion_seconds="+TestConfig.duration)