Dynamic injection profile only injecting one user

I’m trying to replicate some production issues and want to recreate the arrivals of users in a simulation

I have a list of intervals between each arrival from production logs, and I want to inject a user, then nothingFor the interval, then inject the next user etc

I have the intervals in

var arrivalIntervals: Seq[FiniteDuration]

and in setUp I want to do

arrivalIntervals.flatMap(interval =>List(nothingFor(interval),atOnceUsers(1)))

but this is results in just one user being injected despite there being many entries in arrivalIntervals. No errors are displayed

When I prtinln the the arrivalIntervals.flatMap… function the log has

List(NothingForOpenInjection(0 seconds), AtOnceOpenInjection(1), NothingForOpenInjection(60 seconds), AtOnceOpenInjection(1), NothingForOpenInjection(60 seconds), AtOnceOpenInjection(1), NothingForOpenInjection(60 seconds), AtOnceOpenInjection(1), NothingForOpenInjection(60 seconds), AtOnceOpenInjection(1), NothingForOpenInjection(60 seconds), AtOnceOpenInjection(1), NothingForOpenInjection(60 seconds), AtOnceOpenInjection(1), NothingForOpenInjection(60 seconds), AtOnceOpenInjection(1), NothingForOpenInjection(60 seconds), AtOnceOpenInjection(1))


If I cut and paste this into the setup() block in place of my flatMap function, it works as expected!

Having played further with this, it seems that I can’t set variables in the ‘before’ block and have them impact my defined ‘setUp’ block.

I’m reading the intervals in from a file and was hoping to do this in ‘before’ and then use the list of intervals in ‘setUp’. But when I do this, ‘setUp’ is picking up the value of arrivalIntervals when it was defined and not using the value that gets set in the ‘before’ block.

I can do everything in the setUp block - open the file, read into a list, flatmap to generate the injection steps, but this feels really messy and I can’t do things like close the file.

Shouldn’t the setUp block be able to pick up values set by the before block?