Error code: 0 on assertion failure on Linux

I have a similar problem to the one described here, but for Linux OS.

---- Global Information --------------------------------------------------------
> request count                                        220 (OK=0      KO=220   )
> min response time                                     56 (OK=-      KO=56    )
> max response time                                    222 (OK=-      KO=222   )
> mean response time                                   119 (OK=-      KO=119   )
> std deviation                                         59 (OK=-      KO=59    )
> response time 50th percentile                        120 (OK=-      KO=120   )
> response time 75th percentile                        178 (OK=-      KO=178   )
> response time 95th percentile                        185 (OK=-      KO=185   )
> response time 99th percentile                        193 (OK=-      KO=193   )
> mean requests/sec                                 10.476 (OK=-      KO=10.476)
---- Response Time Distribution ------------------------------------------------
> t < 800 ms                                             0 (  0%)
> t ≥ 800 ms <br> t < 1200 ms                            0 (  0%)
> t ≥ 1200 ms                                            0 (  0%)
> failed                                               220 (100%)
---- Errors --------------------------------------------------------------------
>, but actually found 403                       220 (100.0%)

Reports generated in 0s.
Please open the following file: file:///opt/gatling/results/testsimulation-20220913120044199/index.html
Global: percentage of successful events is greater than 99.0 : false
bash-5.1# echo $?

Can anyone confirm that it works on Linux?

That’s a bug indeed :slight_smile:
Note that it only affects the bundle, not the maven, gradle and sbt plugins.

See Bundle: process exit status is not propagated upstream in case of an assertion failure · Issue #4330 · gatling/gatling · GitHub

Thanks for reporting!